Friday, December 20, 2019

News' Flash: 'President Donald J. Trump Has Been Impeached'...

Would you Please pass the Poupon.

Wednesday saw the Impeachment of Donald Trump and Washington was in mourning.  Or at least the Democrats professed to be- they who brought it all about.

And there was their intrepid leader all decked out in black claiming it a sad day for America.

And the dear House Leader was for once correct.... the Country was in mourning- but not for Trump but for the way the Democrats have ruthlessly pursued Trump after he had the nerve to defeat their flag bearer of the day - Hillary Clinton in 2016.

Seldom have such a bunch of decrepit politicos come together to try to defeat the Will of the People.

And in this, they have failed miserably - so much so that their antics could very well propel The Donald back into Office for another 4 years come November 2020.

So I ask you again...Please pass the Poupon.  

As I See It...

K.D. Bell