Wednesday, January 23, 2019

I'm Back...The Real Me

K.D. Bell Esq.

I know, I promised you no more but alas that was not to be.  There is just too damn much happening and mostly not for the good.

I have made another pledge which I am just as likely not to live up to and that concerns my plan to  keep my blogs on the light and humourous side as much as possible.

We'll See.

You know as well as I do what the world is facing in this new year but just for the record...

Here in Canada we face a General Election in October where the hapless Justin Trudeau is looking for a second mandate.  Heaven Help Us.

The end of May will see Albertans go to the polls with nothing less than their future in Canada on the line.

Quebec with its quasi separatist government seems to daily make unreasonable requests of Ottawa and to their surprise and delight, the Federal Leadership including all 3 major party leaders lend them their sympathetic ears.  Unbelievable.  Mad Max anyone?

Our Neighbour to the South too is suffering serious convulsions...

Its fearless leader, the one and only Donald Trump, is facing Impeachment.

Its government is partially shutdown and its trading partners shutout.  Soon that $5 to $10 shirt made in China will cost $40 to $50 due to a protected (read inefficient) domestic textile industry.

And it still cannot control its borders from illegal entry.  Banana Republic anyone.

Further South we find our 3 rd member of NAFTA...Mexico...

And boy do they have their troubles beginning with the alleged bribe of $100 Million Dollars from Drug King El Chapo to Mexico's most recent President, Enrique Pena Nieto.  Whether this turns out to be true or not - the truth of the matter is, bribery is a way of life in this sun-drenched nation.

Mexico is in a constant state of civil war with its Drug Cartels and civil rest is rampant.

And like their neighbour to the north, they too cannot control their own borders.

To call Mexico a nation is becoming a bit of a stretch.

Dare I go on?

Britain is going down the drain thanks to Brexit.  For certain it will no longer be the financial centre of the E.U.  It is easy to look back and say what should have been done but I am going to do that anyway...When Ian Campbell implemented his referendum he should have called for a 60% minimum vote in favour of leaving rather than, as he did, a simple majority.  The vote was 51.9 % in favour of leaving ensuring his country was virtually split down the middle.

France is up to its Gaullist Neck in yellow vests and the movement appears to be gaining traction. It is also spreading like wildfire to other parts of the world including here in Canada.

Germany has a lame-duck leader in the person of Angela Merkel.  She lost her voodoo when she allowed 1 to 2 million unscreened refugees into her country.   Right Wing Parties there are thriving for the first time since dear Adolf slithered across the land.

And these three are the best of a bad group ....the rest of the E.U. are mostly basket-cases.

And then you have the outliers, the perpetual trouble-makers:  Russia, China, North Korea, Iran, Saudia Arabia, Syria....the list goes on and on.

And that does not even bring into the equation ISIS and their Ilk which ravage the land with death and destruction.  Trump proclaimed recently they were beat...don't for a minute believe it.

All the while much of the world - the  Middle Easterns, the Africans and the South Americans criticize our way of life in the West while scheming on how to sneak in and enjoy our decadence.

2018 was an interesting year ....2019 is going to be even more so.

Now my first attempt at humour...what did the little fish say when he swam head first into a cement wall?        Ans:  Dam

Maybe I should stick to the serious?

As I see it......K.D. Bell