Thursday, March 27, 2014

And Speaking of Casablanca…

Note: below I state that Kathleen Wynne’s Chief of Staff allegedly collaborated with Dalton McGuinty’s Chief of Staff in deleting numerous Official Government E-mails.   I received this information via the local radio station here in Ottawa yesterday, but reports today indicate this was a mistake – the lady who allegedly cooperated was McGuinty’ s Deputy Chief of Staff.  I apologize for this error since it debunks a key element of my Blog.  I still believe Wynne knew what was going on and I suspect that eventually the resurrected e-mails will bear this out.  Mea Culpa

We all remember Captain Renault’s line that he was “shocked … shocked to find out that gambling is going on here.”

All the while he was collecting his night’s winnings.

‘Captain Renault’ …a.k.a – Kathleen Wynne, in the Legislature today said former Premier McGuinty’s Chief of Staff never worked for her, nor for her government.

This was in response to news that the cops are moving in on said Chief of Staff for allegedly bringing in an outside techie to delete records from numerous Government Computers.

The Captain Renault moment in this bizarre episode is three-fold: First -  the alleged deletion work occurred at the beginning of Wynne’s Premiership  so in that sense, the Chief of Staff had to have been on her payroll.  McGuinty was long gone.

Second and more importantly, she was involved – deeply involved since the techie brought in to do this dastardly work was no other than the live-in boy friend of Wynne’s Chief of Staff.

And third, when asked whether her own government computer was worked, on she refused to answer.

And yet, Wynne was “clear” today, that she has always disclosed nothing but the “truth” and has worked diligently in ‘support of the police’.

As I continually say, politicians speak the truth up and to the point when they open their mouths and Wynne and her predecessor, Dalton McGuinty are masters at prevarication.

But this could well be the golden straw that breaks the camel’s back.  Assuming that the current Ship of Fools at Queen’s Park have even an iota of a conscience that is.

Sadly, though it still will probably come down to whether NDP Leader Andrea Horwath decides to continue to prop the Grits up.

And although it defies logic, Horwath likely will, but then again, she has already defied logic for some 13 months plus … the time Wynne has been in office.

In all of this, it galls me to no end that an unelected Premier can hang on for so long without seeking a mandate – after-all, the voters in the last election voted for her predecessor and not her. But that does not seem to concern Wynne in the least.

And to some extent even I can take some comfort from all of this – after all, the mess we are in, is a result of democracy in action.  Ontarians knew full well that the Ontario Grits under Dalton McGuinty were a rogue and dishonest bunch of spendthrifts …falling for every stupid and costly initiative that came their way (Green Energy anyone).

Yet in the face of that and through support of their rich and influential union boss friends they were elected fairly not once, not twice, but three times.

Maybe in this light it is understandable why Wynne harbours such distain for Ontarians generally. 

Too bad though that more voters do not hold her in such distain.

We can only hope that these recent disclosures will finally help to turn the tide against this most arrogant and hopelessly inept crew.

But I urge each of you not to hold your breath waiting for that to happen.

As I see it …

‘K.D. Galagher’