Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Whose The Dolt …


Leftists rub their hands with glee and point out that the Dolt is our Prime Minister the Rt. Hon, Stephen Joseph Harper.

In contrast, some very distinguished Journalists – Christie Blatchford and the eminent Andrew Coyne differ and say the Dolt here is the Supreme Court of Canada.

We are of course talking about Harper’s failed Supreme Court appointment.

Blatchford says in effect that the Court bent over backwards to find against Harper’s nominee Marc Nadon, while Coyne simply dismisses their ruling as ‘flakey’.

I cannot do better than they in my condemnation of the Court so I will not even try, but I do suggest to each of you that you read both articles if you have not yet had an opportunity to do so.

Another author correctly points out that the Court’s decision effectively bars future Quebecers from qualifying for membership on the Court if they are appointed from the Federal Court of Canada as was Nadon.

This despite the fact that that Court has been a launching pad to the SCC on numerous occasions in the past.  Mere collateral damage.

The Court’s real target in all of this is of course P.M. Harper.  The Court seems to leave no stone unturned to embarrass him.

Indeed, it has become a tug of war between them as to who holds the greater power …the Court or  Canada’s Chief Elected Official.

Do I need to point out that all of our major societal issues are being decided by the Courts – such as abortion, the definition of marriage, euthanasia, the legality of prostitution, drug shoot up sites and now, it is encroaching on our Democratic Right to nominate Court Appointees.

And not only that, Harper was advised by the best minds in Justice … as well as by two distinguished retirees from the Supreme Court?  They all assured him that he was on solid ground.

For a moment put yourself in Harper’s position …what more would you have done or could you have done?  Precisely.

And to add to the absurdity, one pundit correctly points out that if Nadon were to resign his Federal Court Judgeship and practice law for but a day in the Belle Province, the Supreme Court’s objection would be overcome. (Note the law requires that a nominee from Quebec must be an advocate in that Province for at least 10 years – Nadon has two times that level of service).

I have reluctantly come to the conclusion that there is something in Canada that does not like democracy and this sadly includes most of the membership of the Supreme Court.

And the leftists are in absolute delight.

But what they fail to understand is that once democratic rights are lost, they are lost to them as well.

Oh and one more thing, do you happen to know how the matter of Nadon got before the SCC in the first place?

A Toronto lawyer brought a motion to that effect and surprise, surprise, the esteemed Court readily accepted it.  This lawyer, by the way, at one point represented one of the notorious Khadr Family members and Justice Marc Nadon rendered an opinion that was less than favourable to his client.

Stinks … does it not?

Anyway, if I was Stephen Harper, I would be tempted to dive into the Quebec advocate ranks and find one that is slightly demented or even moderately … and then appoint him or her to the SCC.

That person would meet the Court’s invented test but would hopefully cause them all to reflect again on the Nadon nomination and how much better that would have been.

Of course, Harper is too classy a guy to do such a thing – but if he did …the Supreme Court of Canada would have it coming in their ongoing war to upstage our duly elected officials.

As I see it …

‘K.D. Galagher’